5th Annual International Science of Team Science (SciTS) Conference
When: August 6-8, 2014
Where: Hyatt Regency
208 Barton Springs, Austin, TX 78704
SciTS and VIVO to hold Co-located Conferences in 2014
Call for Future Directions Flash Presentation Submissions
The SciTS Program Committee invites submissions from individuals or groups to provide brief (2-3 min presentations).
- Do you have an idea about how the SciTS field could advance or address critical research gaps, new disciplines to engage, or novel approaches to consider?
- Are you looking for collaborators for an exciting research idea, or seeking feedback from the SciTS community?
- Do you want to share your progress on an innovative method or protocol that you are using in your current research, teaching, or practice?
If so, please submit your brief proposals for a new flash presentation session on “Future Directions in the SciTS field”. This session will provide the SciTS community with an opportunity to hear and discuss new and exciting ideas that can advance the field. Presentations will last 2-3 minutes – just enough time to get ideas heard, foster on-going discussion, and spur new collaborations!
Submission Options
- All submissions must be submitted through EasyChair by Friday, June 6th 11:59pm PDT.
- Authors must submit proposals as “Flash Presentation Only".
Proposal Content and Format
- Submit 200-500 words outlining your flash presentation idea. All proposals must be formatted with 0.75 inch margins all around; 11-pt font size or larger for narrative text, 10-pt font size or larger for table and figure legends; using one of the following serif font styles: Times New Roman, Georgia, Helvetica, or Times. Refer to the template below.
- The following information must be included in the proposals: Presentation title; Author(s) name, degree, and institutional affiliation; SciTS Topic; Keywords; and Narrative text, which may also include tables and/or figures. Refer to the template and list of SciTS Topics at the end of this call for submissions.
- All proposals must be submitted online (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=scits2014). Use the following naming convention for the file name: CorAuthorLastName_First Name_Topic.pdf (ex. Smith_James_Teams.pdf).
- All proposals must be submitted as a one-page PDF file.
- The deadline for flash presentation submissions is Friday, June 6th 11:59pm PDT.
- Oral presenters must submit their electronic presentations to conference organizers by 12pm (EST), Monday, July 28, 2014.
- Presenting authors are responsible for their own registration fee(s), travel, and housing costs.
- Proposals will be compiled into the Conference program booklet for attendees and posted on the Conference web site
- Presenters who are unable to attend should arrange for another qualified individual to present the paper/poster in question. If changes to your presentation are necessary, please notify the Conference Manager, Rachael Hand at [email protected] or 443-293-4018.
- Click here for more information and to register for the conference.
Call for Rapid Communication Poster Abstract Submissions
The Rapid Communication Poster submission allow authors the opportunity to present late-breaking and/or newly emerging findings in the field of team science. The SciTS poster sessions will be held jointly with the VIVO Conference posters to enhance cross-fertilization of ideas and networking opportunities.
Accepted abstracts will be presented during the Research Poster Session on the evening of August 7th. Click Here to submit an abstract.
Rapid Communication Poster Presentations
The 90-minute Rapid Communication Poster Presentations will provide late-breaking findings in poster format during the conference Research Poster Session. This joint session provides an interactive forum for authors to discuss their research.
- Posters should be no larger than 8 ft wide x 4 ft high.
- The Research Poster Session is Thursday, August 7th, 5:00-7:00 PM, and will run concurrent with a reception.
- Poster set-up will begin at 3:00 PM that same day.
- Presenters will be assigned a location and board to display each poster, and posters will be organized by Topic.
- Poster boards and pushpins will be supplied.
- Presenters are encouraged to bring 1-page double-sided handouts of their poster presentations.
Submission Options
Authors must submit abstracts as “Poster Only”.
Abstract Content and Format
Poster abstracts are limited to one page. All abstracts must be formatted with 0.75 inch margins all around; 11-pt font size or larger for narrative text, 10-pt font size or larger for table and figure legends; using one of the following serif font styles: Times New Roman, Georgia, Helvetica, or Times. Refer to the template below.
The following information must be included in the abstract: Poster title; Author(s) name, degree, and institutional affiliation; SciTS Topic; Keywords; and Narrative text, which may also include tables and/or figures. Refer to the template and list of SciTS Topics at the end of this call for submissions.
All abstracts must be submitted online (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=scits2014). Poster abstracts must be submitted as a one-page PDF file. Word files and submissions not meeting page requirements will be rejected. Use the following naming convention for the file name: CorAuthorLastName_First Name_Topic.pdf (ex. Smith_James_Teams.pdf).
The deadline for Rapid Poster submissions must is Friday, June 6th 11:59pm PDT. Acceptance notifications will be made no later than Friday, June 13, 2014. Presenters who are unable to attend should arrange for another qualified individual to present the poster. If changes to the presentation are necessary, please notify the Conference Manager, Rachael Hand at [email protected] or 443-293-4018. Abstracts will be compiled into the Conference program booklet for attendees and posted on the Conference web site.
Call for Abstract Submissions
Abstracts may be submitted as an Oral Presentation (Paper, Panel, or Lightning Round) or Poster Presentation. Click here to submit an abstract.
Paper Presentations
Individual oral papers provide authors the opportunity to present original work related to conference topics.
Oral papers will have 15-minute presentation time slots and be clustered into paper sessions by the program committee around a common theme.
Paper sessions will have multiple individual presentations, followed by a time for an in-depth discussion to promote thematic dialogue amongst presenters and conference attendees.
Panel Presentations
Panel presentations provide authors the option of organizing three related papers together in a thematic session.
Panels will be 60-90 minutes including time for the presentations and discussion.
A panel submission must include an abstract summarizing the overall theme of the panel, as well as individual abstracts for each of the papers to be presented within the panel session.
Lightning Round Presentations
Lightning Round sessions provide authors an opportunity to share their work through a brief oral presentation.
Presentations are limited to 10 minutes and followed by a five-minute Q&A period.
When submitting an abstract for a Lightning Round Presentation, select the checkbox that indicates willingness to be considered for a Lightning Round presentation. The Program Committee will make final selections of submissions to be included in the Lightning Round.
Research Poster Presentations
Several extended Research Poster Sessions provide an interactive forum for authors to discuss their research.
Presenters will be assigned a location to put up each poster, and posters will be organized by topic.
Poster boards and push pins will be supplied, and posters should be attached to the boards for display.
Presenters are encouraged to bring 1 page double-sided handouts of their poster presentations.
Submission Options
Authors must submit abstracts as “Panel Only”, “Paper Only”, “Poster Only”, or “Paper, Lightning Round, or Poster”.
Authors are encouraged to submit using the “Paper, Lightning Round, or Poster” option. Submissions under this option will be considered for Paper, Lightning Round or Poster presentations as deemed appropriate by the Program Committee.
Panel presentations must be submitted under “Panel Only” and will not be considered for an alternative format. The number of Panels accepted will be limited and should only be used when an integrated research story requires multiple presentations in a single session.
Abstract Content and Format
Paper, Lightning Round, and Poster abstracts are limited to one page while Panel abstracts are limited to 4 pages. All abstracts must be formatted with 0.75 inch margins all around; 11-pt font size or larger for narrative text, 10-pt font size or larger for table and figure legends; using one of the following serif font styles: Times New Roman, Georgia, Helvetica, or Times. Refer to the template below.
The following information must be included in the abstract: Presentation/Panel title; Author(s) name, degree, and institutional affiliation; SciTS Topic; Keywords; and Narrative text, which may also include tables and/or figures. Refer to the template and list of SciTS Topics at the end of this call for submissions.
All abstracts must be submitted online (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=scits2014). Paper abstracts must be submitted as a one-page PDF file and Panel abstracts as a 4-page PDF file. Word files and submissions not meeting page requirements will be rejected. Use the following naming convention for the file name: CorAuthorLastName_First Name_Topic.pdf (ex. Smith_James_Teams.pdf).
The deadline for Paper, Panel, and Poster submissions is Thursday, April 17, 2014.
Acceptance notifications will be made no later than Tuesday, May 20, 2014.
Oral presenters must submit their electronic presentations to conference organizers by 12pm (EST), Monday, July 28, 2014.
Presenting authors are responsible for their own registration fee(s), travel, and housing costs.
Abstracts will be compiled into the Conference program booklet for attendees and posted on the Conference web site
Presenters who are unable to attend should arrange for another qualified individual to present the paper/poster in question. If changes to your presentation are necessary, please notify the Conference Manager, Michelle Issing at [email protected].
Click here for more information and to register for the conference.
Contact Information
Research inquiries SciTS Conference Chair:
Kara L. Hall, PhD ([email protected])
Logistics inquiries
SciTS Conference Manager:
Rachael Hand ([email protected])
Click here for more information and to register for the conference.
SciTS Topics
Topics related to the study of team science include, but are not limited to:
- Case Studies/Best Practices
- Communication Processes
- Cross-Cultural and International Team Science
- Disciplinary Discourse
- Distributed/Virtual Teams
- Environmental influences on teamwork
- Evaluation of Team Processes & Outcomes
- Funding Strategies
- Institutional Policies
- Leadership for Effective Team Science
- Learning & Knowledge Network
- Methodologies for Team Science Research
- Multi-level/systems approaches
- Multiteam Systems
- Networks
- Open Data
- Organization/Management
- Team Assembly
- Team Dynamics/Composition
- Team Macro Cognition
- Team Science Types/Typology
- Theory Development/Application
- Training & Professional Development
- Transdisciplinary, translational innovation
- Visualizations
Abstract Template
Title of the Presentation
Corresponding Author, Degree(s), Unit(s), Institution/O, City, State/Province/District, Country; Author #2, Degree(s), Unit(s), Institution, City, State/Province/District, Country; Author #N, Degree(s), Unit(s), Institution, City, State/Province/District, Country
Corresponding Author Contact: [email protected], (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Keywords: List up to five keywords separated by a semi-colon.
Abstract: Narrative text; tables and figures may be included. No smaller than 11-pt serif font (Times New Roman, Georgia, Helvetica, or Times) for narrative text; no smaller than 10-pt font for table and figure legends. Avoid the use of jargon and acronyms.
Consider including the following information in the abstract (when relevant):
- Introduction, objective, problem under investigation, hypothesis or research goal
- Description of rigorous and relevant research methods (qualitative/quantitative or mixed-methods)
- Summary of findings that are supported by the data presented.
- Statement of how the research advances the SciTS field