There’s Still Time to Register for the SciTS 2024 Conference!

SciTS 2024 Conference:
There's Still Time!

If you haven’t already, you can still register for the SciTS 2024 Virtual Conference! Don't miss out on this year's exceptional lineup of experts and events designed to elevate your experience.

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Calling All Graduate Students: Volunteer to Help at SciTS 2024!

Are you a student member of INSciTS looking to learn more about team science and get involved with the organization? Join us as a virtual volunteer at SciTS 2024. We are seeking enthusiastic and tech-savvy volunteers to help attendees navigate our virtual platform and provide support to our presenters. Registration for the conference will be provided to student volunteers.

What You’ll Gain:

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SciTS 2024 Conference Workshops Filling Up Fast! Register Today!

Have you registered for a conference workshop? SciTS2024 workshops are interactive, hands-on sessions that cover a wide range of topics relevant to team science. From strategies for effective collaboration to tools for enhancing team productivity, these workshops offer valuable takeaways for researchers, practitioners, and educators alike and we encourage conference attendees to participate in a workshop as part of their conference experience. With ten workshops to choose from, newcomers to team science and first-time conference attendees might consider Team Science 101. Other workshops include: 

Spaces in workshops are limited and advance registration is required. If you have already registered for the conference, you can log into the conference platform and add a workshop to your registration. Waitlists have also opened for some of the most popular offerings.

Call for Volunteers: SciTS Program Virtual Venue Sub-Committee

The SciTS 2024 Program Committee is currently requesting volunteers for their Virtual Venue Subcommittee! In addition to getting a sneak peek at the virtual platform and space, as a member of the subcommittee, you will play a crucial role in enhancing the attendee experience at the SciTS conference. This committee will assist as informed participants – available to help attendees orient to the virtual platform and share tips on maximizing the virtual experience for networking and finding workshops & presentations that align with their interests. If you are interested in assisting our Program Committee, please enter your name and email address to this form by Friday, May 31st.

Thank you,
SciTS 2024 Program Planning Committee

SciTS 2024 Conference Registration Now Open!


We are pleased to announce that registration for the SciTS 2024 Annual Conference, to be held virtually from July 30 to August 1, 2024 is now open! The theme for this year’s conference is “Insights on the Science of Team Science: 15 Years and Counting.”

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Reminder* SciTS 2024 Call for Poster, Oral, and Panel Presentations Due April 30

Editor's Note: This blog post was created before the deadline extension and had the original deadline of April 30. This blog post has been updated to reflect the deadline extension.

Dear INSciTS Community and Colleagues,

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Now Accepting Poster, Oral, and Panel Presentation Abstracts for the SciTS 2024 Virtual Conference!

Editor's Note: This blog post was created before the deadline extension and had the original deadline of April 30. This blog post has been updated to reflect the deadline extension.

The call for poster, oral, and panel presentation abstracts for the 2024 SciTS Conference is now open! The 2024 SciTS Conference will be held virtually from July 30 - August 1, 2024.

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2024 SciTS Virtual Conference Important Dates!


Dear INSciTS Community and Colleagues,

Be prepared for the SciTS 2024 Virtual Conference!

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SciTS 2024 Virtual Conference Call for Reviewers

Dear INSciTS Community and Colleagues,

The SciTS 2024 Conference planning is well underway and we request your help. We are currently seeking volunteers to review poster, oral, and panel abstract submissions for the conference. If you are interested in volunteering to review abstracts for the SciTS 2024 Virtual Conference, please 
click here.

Each reviewer will receive up to 5 abstracts to review. You will have 2 weeks to review the abstracts. The deadline for submission of abstracts is April 30, 2024 so assignments will be sent shortly after that date to the email address you provide. It is critical that abstract reviews be returned by the deadline, so if you feel you will be unable to return your reviews in the timeframe outlined above please reconsider volunteering for this cycle. We would be happy to have you review next year if you have increased availability!

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Call For INSciTS Committee Volunteers

Dear INSciTS Community and Colleagues,

Build your network, your expertise, and your profile by becoming an active member of the International Network for the Science of Team Science! INSciTS can give you access to a worldwide network of active and like-minded people, and a really good way to do this is to become an active member of one of the committees helping to build the Network internationally.

There are several areas in which volunteer help is always welcomed and appreciated. Below are the committees seeking volunteers and their descriptions.

2025 Annual Program Planning Committee
The Annual Program Committee organizes annual SciTS conferences, such as identifying the conference theme; selecting keynote and plenary session speakers; reviewing and selecting proposals for workshops, panels, oral sessions, and posters; implementing changes suggested by INSciTS members; and performing other functions as needed to ensure the success of annual conferences.

Membership Committee
Members are the core of the Network. Therefore maintaining the membership is important. This committee develops strategies on increasing and retaining membership and evaluates the needs of the members.

Marketing & Outreach
The Marketing Committee reviews and advises on the marketing activities of the Network. It develops and submits an annual marketing plan to the Board of Directors that will identify and coordinate activities of the INSciTS committees with the purpose of marketing the Network.

The Website Committee shall oversee all websites and applications that enable the Network to create, share, and/or participate in social networking as well as other means of interactions and ideas in virtual communities and networks.

Membership at a committee level fosters international relationships with like-minded colleagues, and may well enhance your professional standing and opportunities. Note that if you are already a committee member you will still need to reach out and volunteer for the upcoming year.

Please fill out this form if you would like to volunteer for a INSciTS committee position. 

Thank you,


SciTS 2024 Virtual Conference Call for Workshops

The Call for Workshops for the SciTS 2024 Virtual Conference is Now Open!

Dear INSciTS Community and Colleagues,

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INSciTS Virtual Seminar - How the cultural situatedness of researchers impacts inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration

Dear SciTS Community and Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the International Network for Science of Team Science (INSciTS) is continuing with our very successful virtual Team Science Seminar series.  INSciTS offers these periodic virtual seminars on developments in the science of team science to provide the team science community with opportunities to engage with ideas or initiatives that are affected by, or influencing, the understanding and practice of team science.  Further, we hope these provide a foundation for more in-depth discussion at our upcoming 2024 conference (July 30th to August 1st). Below and attached you’ll find information on our upcoming seminar, along with information on how to register. Registration is free for these events. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]. And please forward this to colleagues and students you think might be interested.
Thank you,


2024 INSciTS Virtual Seminar Series

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How to Connect with the INSciTS Admin Team

How to Connect with the INSciTS Admin Team

Dear INSciTS Community and Colleagues,

We are excited to announce that INSciTS has brought on a new admin team to better support the organization, its membership, and events. Meet the new admin team below!

Julie K. Hewett, CMP, CAE
Association Manager

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SciTS 2024 Conference - Call for Topics & Speakers


The INSciTS 2024 Program Committee is soliciting suggestions for presentation topics and speakers for the SciTS 2024 Annual Conference! This year's virtual conference will take place July 30 - August 1, 2024. To submit your topic or speaker proposal, please click here. As a reminder, here is the list of last year's topics:

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