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SciTS 2020 Home Base

The conference is over, but the learning doesn't stop:

SciTS 2020 Home Base

Conference Overview - Everything You Need to Know about SciTS 2020

SciTS 2020 consists of two main elements: Daily Live Sessions and pre-recorded Lightning Talks.

Live Sessions - these happen every day at the same time

Daily Schedule & Zoom Links - these pages will guide your through each day at SciTS 2020

Browse these pages and use the "Add to Calendar" buttons so you don't miss sessions you're interested in. We'll email you direct links to these Daily Pages every morning.

Lightning Talks, Workshop & Plenary Session Recordings - available on-demand throughout the conference

Find all recorded workshops, plenaries, and lightning talks on this page.

We've organized our library of roughly 100 submitted Lightning Talks into 8 broad categories. Many of these talks span thematic boundaries, so we encourage you to explore widely! You can connect with the presenters on Slack.

Fun @ SciTS 2020 

Get in on the fun with daily themes, SciTS Bingo, signature drink recipes, Zoom backgrounds, and more!

 Conference Elements

Welcome to SciTS 2020: A message from the conference co-chairs



The SciTS 2020 workshop line up consists of 90-minute engagements led by experts who submitted abstracts and plans for interactive training, demonstration, or panel presentations around a chosen SciTS topic. Each day will feature an event related to Special Interest Groups (SIGs) of INSciTS, as well as workshops that were submitted by community members during the open call for abstracts. There are caps on participation for some workshops, set by leaders, so not all will be available for all attendees.

If you ARE already signed up for a workshop, expect an email from your workshop presenter with all the information you need to join at the right time.

If you’re NOT already signed up for workshops and would like to know what is still available, visit this link. Some workshops will be recorded for later viewing as well (by all attendees through June 11th, and by INSciTS Members after that.


Our theme for this year is seeking excellence in studying, practicing, and teaching team science, and we are thrilled to have a fantastic line-up of featured speakers to share their insights and seed robust interactive discussions on these topics and more among SciTS 2020 attendees! You can find more details about the speakers and the topics for each day at this link:

Each day will feature a 90-minute plenary event with all conference registrants welcomed to attend. On the first day we welcome our Keynote Speaker Caroline Wagner to set the stage and reflect challenges and opportunities for our community to consider throughout the week. Each subsequent day will feature a panel on one of the three areas our theme this year, with several invited speakers led by a moderator, who will engage speakers and audience in an interactive discussion to engage the community.

Each day of SciTS you’ll be able to find links for joining plenary sessions on the daily page, as well as in your daily SciTS 2020 email!

Coffee Chats

These daily coffee chat conversations are designed to mimic the kind of “hallway” or “at the coffee carafe” chats usually experienced at conferences.  Virtual rooms will be made available for the kind of organic free-form conversations you are used to experiencing at conferences.  

If you would like to have a virtual chat with anyone, you can “reserve” your own room at the Google Sheet linked here (  All you have to do is to choose a time from the available slots, fill in your name, and briefly describe the topic of your chat.  

We have purposely kept the number of attendees allowed at a low number of ten. This is meant to approximate a kind of informal group gathering.  

Also, the sign-up sheet is viewable by all of the attendees. This means that, if someone sees a coffee chat that looks interesting, they will be free to sign up and attend your virtual chat room. Again, we are trying to mimic a hallway conversation; that is, a ‘place’ one can ‘walk up to’ and join a conversation. 

If you would like to have a more personal and private conversation with colleagues, we encourage you to set up your own linking mechanism outside of these Coffee Chats. If you DO want to create a conversational opportunity where others from the conference may join you, please either provide your own link (e.g., your own Zoom or Google Meet) in the appropriate spot within the google sheet, OR if you do not have that capability, please email Erin Highlander ([email protected]) with the subject line COFFEE to ask that one be set up for you by the conference organizers by 1:30 pm on the day you are hoping to host the chat.  We will arrange that a link be set up for you and pasted into the google sheet. 

Here are a few additional things to note:

  • We are only providing the virtual space to organize your organic coffee chats. You have to let others know you have set this up. You can just tell them to go check out the Coffee Chat sheet to add their name to your time, and to get the link.  Or, you can email them the link to the sign-up sheet. To help with this, on both the sign-up sheet and the conference main page, there will be a resources tab that lists the name and email addresses of attendees so you can reach out. 
  • If you’d like to use Slack to make your Coffee Chat known, there will also be a feed devoted to announcing these within our SciTS 2020 Slack channel
  • We have set these up to be brief, but if you would like more time, the Zoom link will work throughout the hour. 

Thank you and if you have any questions, feel free to email Steve Fiore ([email protected]).

"Choose Your Own Adventure" Breakout Sessions

A key part of any conference is the opportunities it provides both for the “‘care and feeding’” of existing networks and the incubation of new networks and ideas. The Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) Breakout Sessions at SciTS are designed to facilitate these opportunities.

We have created a number of 40-minute ‘adventures’ each day based on topics proposed by the INSciTS community. Each adventure is an informal (but moderated) conversation aimed at building community and deepening insight on a particular set of issues. Topics and moderators for each ‘adventure’ are listed in the program. Find the ones you’d like to be part of and jump right in. Feel free to reach out to moderators ahead of time if you have questions about their ‘adventure’!

Examples of proposed ‘adventures’ include, e.g.:

  • Discussions of linked talks that would have been experienced as symposia in the face to face conference,
  • Discussions of specific project ideas
  • Demos of a new technique or tool

Note that some CYOA Breakout Sessions in the schedule may include a list of related lightening talks, listed by abstract number. Attendees of each CYOA Breakout Session can use this information to pre-watch the associated videos and come ready to discuss at the session. This element of the conference will truly be what we collectively make it, so, enjoy!

Finally - Thank you to the whole INSciTS community for digging in and coming up with such excellent adventures!


Every year our Evaluations Committee reaches out hungry for feedback on the Science of Team Science Conference (SciTS), and this year is even MORE of an experiment than usual, so please take a few moments to share with us what you valued most and how we can continue to grow and improve this annual event. Your Daily SciTS email will contain links to evaluation surveys for each day, and you’ll get another one post conference. We put this thing together as a labor of love and we want it to be the best it can, so please tell us how!


If you’re interested to celebrate INSciTS Awards, please join the Thursday coffee chat where we’ll recognize fellow INSciTS community members, announcing The SciTS 2020 Outstanding Paper Award along with a few other creative recognitions.